Starting in comedy six years ago, Mike now headlines and hosts shows all around Australia with material that is not offensive, but truly hilarious. Audiences applaud his rapid punchlines that show great insight into all of our lives.
Folks that have seen Mike’s show can never look at the simple things in life (like nappies and television) the same again.
Many corporations invite Mike to their functions and product launches to make sure their clients are too busy laughing and having a good time to realise how much they are being ripped off.
The host or MC is a crucial element of any corporate or personal event, Mike brings professionalism and charm to product launches, birthday celebrations, weddings.
Mike’s material is adult but not offensive, ideally suited to comedy venues and corporate functions. Clients never need to worry about whether this comedian will get blue, get angry or turn on an audience. Even highschools and churches keep asking him to come back.