The show begins with the Stunning Samba Sirens dressed in their Brazilian samba costumes...feathers, fun and lots of hip shaking!
The show continues with the introduction of our talented, topless, acrobatic dancers. Here is one for the ladies to enjoy! Flying through the air with their explosive dance moves, these acrobatic dancers will leave you breathless as they take over the dance floor to break beats with a jungle twist.
Continuing to keep you excited and enthralled, our Latin Goddesses will burst out into a sexy, up-tempo Reggaeton routine. These sexy moves are one to leave any men in the room blushing...a Latin Hip Hop number to lift the energy in the room!
To finish off the show, we welcome back out our very talented acrobatic dancers and then, once again, our samba dancers leading the entire room and all of your guests in a large ‘do and copy’ dance segment where we have your guests up having fun and being a part of the show with us, just like the Brazilians do, in a dance style called ‘axe’.