The band offers a music plan for weddings that involves any, or all of 3 parts below:
1) Ceremony- during the wedding ceremony itself, a small group could play as a classical string quartet, or even a violin and harp duo harp, or both, e.g. before the ceremony, during the processional, and during the singing. The combination of Harp and Violin is an incredible sound, and is definitely a unique touch for the perfect wedding ceremony.
2) Entry- as the newly-weds make their entrance, during hors d'ouevres, or the early stages of the reception, you might not want to rock it up too much, and a smaller selection of the musicians can play traditional jazz or chilled acoustic music in the background, to keep the room buzzing. This is a really important way to set the mood for the night, without over-doing it - perfect music for sipping cocktails!
3) Finally the Reception- of course after dinner and the formalities, if you are looking to get everyone straight onto
the dance floor then you really need a serious band. This is where Baker Boys have earned their reputation -
playing music for the dance floor!
Depending on your requirements, any or all of the elements can be removed and configured to your personal taste in music or wedding theme.
This way you can be assured that you are getting the best quality music without the hassle, expense and disturbance of having to arrange for 3 different bands to set up and sound-check for the occasion. You also get a unique mix of styles throughout the day, from classical, old-school rock, celtic, gypsy, horas, swing, jazz , 80s pop, funk, classic rock and top 40 etc., all individually tailored to meet the tastes of you and your guests.