Prepare to be amazed with circus stunts, mesmorised by fire and captivated by the magical illusions of an Atmosfire show. Any event: corporate, private, themed and family. A stage show can be produced featuring anywhere from 1 to 10 performers. The shows can include fire breathing, twirling, juggling, dancing, acrobalance, or even the amazing fire whip! Over 500 professional shows in the last 3 years, all shows are covered by public liability and indemnity insurance.
Manifesto is an old school magician who is a romantic at heart. He fuses mime, magic, masks and dance to tell his story.
Cabaret stage shows and ultra-violet mime are his specialty.
Manifesto can also be a ten foot tall stilt character.
Mr Swindle
Mr Swindle is a master of card tricks and street hustles. He will leave you feeling amazed and clasping your wallet.
Combining hat manipulation and comedy close up magic, he is ideal for meeting & greeting guests, and roving through cocktail or dinner parties.
Mr Swindle has appeared at many restaurants and corporate events, his theme is gangster or vegas style.